BD3 Web Services

Web Development, Design & SEO Services by Brian Dean

BD3 Web Services

Web Development, Design & SEO Services by Brian Dean

Link to it here: SASS certification from Codecademy. I always wanted to have a fuller grasp of SASS, by now I feel much more confident with it. If I can justify giving myself the time to do so I’d like to experiment with it more including in an artistic manner. I haven’t had to know SASS for a job or gig before somehow, even for larger sites I’ve worked on, but I’ve figured I’ll eventually have to.

I acknowledge that experience and samples of work count more to some than a certificate, I don’t assume a certificate proves competence 100% with any given skill. I shot for this to stay familiar & comfortable with SASS. Since I’ve never had to use it & have had no reason to need to use it, therefore less practice. I have a lot going on lately but hopefully can find & make time to “show and tell” some kind of interesting SASS experimentation projects of my own, outside of what I’ve completed in any online course. Stay tuned!